Monday, June 30, 2008


Designed this giraffe for my sister. Then thought I would colour it and post it, and so here we are.

Friday, June 27, 2008

winter contest

Its been a hot to cool down I'm posting a shirt design I painted for a contest winner. I have a group on facebook for Lovesick Designs and held a small contest when i started it up. This was the prize.
And here is the winner Geoff wearing his prize!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008


I'm super excited for this movie to come out. Super Excited!
wall-e copyright pixar

Friday, June 20, 2008

random girl

Drew for fun, so here ya go. Nothing else to say.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

how i got the name.... lovesick

So a bit busy today, need to finish up an application for a paid internship. Therefore the post is something that isn't new, but a shirt. Actually how I got the name for Lovesick is partly from this shirt that I designed.
So the rest of the story goes, one night myself and a couple good friends were talking about relationships, love, how people care for each other, how we are all mssed up in so many ways. And in the course of the discussion it was determined by Emilie that the one word that sums me up, in a nutshell, encompasses my idealistic, romantic, heart on my sleeve personality, is 'Lovesick'. I actually went home that night and started the design for this shirt.
Those are two parts of three that lead to me painting shirts/shoes/whatever and naming it all Lovesick Designs. Whats part three? Well c'mon I can't tell you everything.

Monday, June 16, 2008

...on my hat

Okey dokey, so for today, a couple buttons I made for one of my hats....oh I love hats so.


Howdy, just working on today's update as I type this, so it should be up later tonight. Most of the posts will likely be up sometme in the evening, as I do work during the day. That or I might try and figure out the timed posts, and get them up early morning. Which means I better stop typing and get on to some art.....

Friday, June 13, 2008

would you like some scotch?

K so this is my spin on a typical retro cocktail party mixed with Moai guy kinda thingy. Not too sure how to explain that. Inspired by some classic 50's pin up, roadster stuff. Not that original, but I like it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

what do you mean i'm not a rock star...i play guitar hero and rock band

Well title says it all, I'm a bit addicted it would seem to both guitar hero and rock much in fact I'm seriously considering buying the rock band set when it comes out for wii....oh dear (that's right the BIG set, guitar drums and mic). Anyways in wishing I actually new how to play guitar, I drew this.

Monday, June 9, 2008

no more excuses, time to draw!!

It would seem I haven't really gotten a hold of what I was trying to accomplish with this little blog attempt, which was more art. So I have decided to finally lay down the law, and actually stick to a regular schedule of posting. I've decided to try three days a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Not sure what type of direction each post will take, but its time to start the journey and see where it here is a start.....